NEW!! Articles in English!

Hi there!

I have been asked from several freinds of mine can I add some articles on English language on my blog. In order to do so I am opening a new section on my blog where, most of all I will psot some text , expiriance based, on English language from Cichlid Keepers from all around the world.

From now you will be able to check some articles that I find interesting on my blog in English. There is a lot of different articles all around the net, I collected some of them that I find interesting and I will publish them here so that cichlid lovers can find them one one single place.

All posts on English will be signed with "ENG" in front of the name of the post.

I wish to thank all authors of texts that I will publish on my blog for sharing their experience with us.

I hope that people will like this collection of experience, as I call it and that some of you will find interesting articles that concern you.

with respect
